The Support And Care You Deserve
NPO 2018/338815/08
Registration Certificate No. 15/10/3/4/2 - 20/2019
Treatment Centre Practise No. 0828998
Registered & Licensed Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility

The First Step
The admissions process for treatment at New Journey Treatment Centre (NPC) is easy and convenient. We’ll start by speaking to you over the phone, in person or via webcam to learn more about you and your addiction history and we’ll perform a preliminary behavioral health assessment based on your answers.
Should you feel comfortable with proceeding, we’ll request a release to receive your medical history and any psychiatric records. We’ll also collect your insurance and financial information in order to match your needs with your treatment options. Finally, we’ll welcome you into our Rehabilitation Center where we’ll introduce you to our medical staff and caseworkers, create your individualized treatment plan and start your recovery process.